
Here you will find overviews of the preserved works of the most important medical authors of classical antiquity with links to resources available online. Each directory is searchable and most categories can be sorted alphabetically or numerically by clicking the header. The directories are updated regularly, and we are grateful for feedback with corrections and additions (-> contact).

E = Editions
This section contains references to the most relevant critical editions. Useful editions available online have been included, even if they have been superseded by newer editions.
D = Printed Editions
This section contains the most important printed editions for individual authors, also with links to the beginning of each work. Individual editions are given especially when they represent the Editiones principes. In addition, there are references to important annotated works available online. 
Ü = Translations
This section contains a listing of the most authoritative modern translations: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, as well as other modern languages. You will also find references to translations that are in preparation. Authors include: