New Publications


CMG Supplementum Orientale VI

Galeni In Hippocratis De aere aquis locis commentariorum I-IV versionem Arabicam, primum edidit, in linguam Germanicam vertit, commentatus est Gotthard Strohmaier, Berlin 2024

Of the works of the Greek physician Galen of Pergamon (129-216 AD), the commentary on the Hippocratic treatise "On the Environment" (De aere aquis locis) has only survived in a Christian-Arabic translation. The first edition is provided with a German translation and explanatory notes on astronomy and philosophy, geography, mineral springs and Roman rule. Link to the publisher's homepage here.

New Publication

Corpus Medicorum Graecorum V 13,2

[Galeni] Definitiones medicas edidit et in linguam Germanicam vertit Jutta Kollesch, Berlin 2023

The collection of medical definitions from the late first or early second century AD, which has come down to us under the name of Galen, was last published in 1830 in the complete edition of Galen's works by C. G. Kühn, who essentially only printed Chartier's text from 1679 for it. Based on a meticulous reappraisal of the manuscript tradition, the edition presented here offers for the first time a scholarly text that undergoes significant changes compared to the previous edition, both in the arrangement of the definitions and in its inventory. A German translation - also the first of this text - makes the collection available to a wider readership. Extensive indices complete the volume. Link to the publisher's homepage here.

New Publication

CMG Supplementum Orientale V 3

Galeni In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum VI commentariorum I-VIII versionem Arabicam edidit, in linguam Anglicam vertit Uwe Vagelpohl, Berlin 2022

The forthcoming volume offers the first critical edition of the medieval Arabic translation of Galen's Commentary on Book 6 of the Hippocratic Epidemics produced by Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq (d. ca. 870). The edition is based on all extant Arabic textual witnesses, including the Arabic secondary transmission. Only about two thirds of the Greek original of this text is extant; the Arabic translation is therefore the only complete witness to this important work. The number and extent of quotations from this commentary in medieval Arabic medical writings, which are documented in the introduction to the volume, demonstrate that it became a crucial source for the development of medicine in the Islamic world. It also gave rise to a wide range of didactic writings which illustrate its importance for medical teaching. The English translation aims to convey some of the flavour of the Arabic text. The volume also contains comprehensive indices that map out the terminology and style of the translation. Link to the publisher's homepage here. Link to the open-access online edition here.