Editorial Guidelines

1. Each edition contains the following elements: bibliography, praefatio, conspectus siglorum, text, with apparatus fontium et locorum parallelorum and apparatus criticus, a modern language translation, commentary (not obligatory), detailed indices of names and words, subject index and index locorum. The praefatio and commentary are usually written in the language of the translation.

2. The bibliography comprises in alphabetical order those titles from the secondary litera- ture that are cited several times and all cited editions of ancient authors. In the case of several works by the same author, chronology determines order. When referring to such publications, short titles, not years of publication, are used, e.g.: Diels, Handschriften; Diels, Erster Nachtrag. References in the praefatio to editions should appear under the name of the editor, e.g.: De Lacy, in: CMG V 1,2; Boudon, in: Galien, Exhortation; Helmreich, in: Gal., Scr. min. III. Literature cited only once appears at the relevant lo- cation with complete bibliographical citation.

3. The praefatio should include an account of the direct and indirect transmission of the text, its literary and historical context (authorship, dating, language and style, table of contents), and its particular linguistic characteristics (e.g. questions of the Ionic dialect in editions of Hippocratic texts). Notes on the direct transmission should include a de- scription of all Greek manuscripts containing the text (and papyri if applicable). In ad- dition to technical data and information on the history of the codices, the description of the manuscript should include a list of characteristic errors (omissions, additions, trans- positions of words, incorrect readings) and, in concise form, a selection of typical spelling mistakes (errors due to pronunciation such as confusion of the o-sounds and itacism). The error analysis should lead to a conclusion concerning the interdependence of the manuscripts, which is to be graphically illustrated with a stemma. The praefatio should also include a text-critical evaluation of any existing oriental and early Latin translations (the consideration of oriental versions depends on the editor’s ability), as well as a characterization of the earlier editions and the Latin translations made after these editions. With respect to the indirect transmission, all quotations and excerpts from the respective text that have been handed down by ancient and Byzantine (and possibly also Arabic) authors are to be recorded and evaluated. This is to be followed by a com- pilation of emendations that scholars have contributed in places other than editions.

Supplementum Orientale: Shorter selections of text in an oriental language should be presented in the scientific transliteration appropriate for the respective modern language of the publication; longer selections of text should be presented in the original script.

4. The conspectus siglorum is to be presented in Latin. It contains all manuscript sigla and abbreviations used in the apparatus criticus to refer to textual witnesses and authors of emendations.

5. The text is structured according to chapters and paragraphs (units of meaning). If a chapter division is already available in previous editions, it should be adopted. Para- graph numbers appear in the left margin. In the case of commentary-texts, the individual lemmata are numbered and the commentary-text sections are divided into paragraphs. The left margin usually contains the pagination of previous authoritative editions. Sec- tions which are preserved exclusively in translation (Latin, Arabic, etc.) are inserted into the text in that language. The text of the lemmata in commentary-texts strictly follows the manuscript tradition, both in wording and in scope. In the case of citations, the manuscripts of the citing author should be authoritative. This is especially true for quo- tations written in the Ionic dialect. The linguistic form in the Hippocratic writings is not to be based primarily on the results of scientific study of linguistic dialect, but on the standard of the better manuscript tradition. Hyperionisms are to be eliminated. Elisions not carried out in the authoritative manuscripts are to be retained in the text. In ortho- graphy, in cases of doubt, the most important manuscript for the production of the text is decisive, e.g. in elision, krasis and ν paragogicum, as well as in ταὐτὸν and ταὐτό, τοιοῦτον and τοιοῦτο, οὕτως and οὕτω. Additions of the editor are marked by < >, de- letions by [ ], text cancellations by <…>. Parentheses of the author are delimited by dashes. Literal quotations appear in « », indirect quotations in ‘ ’.

Supplementum Orientale: The “original,” the restoration of which is sought, is the text of the translator in question, with its possible errors and misunderstandings. Conclusions about the Greek original are to be formulated as a footnote under the modern language translation and justified in the commentary (see no. 8 below).

6. In the apparatus fontium et locorum parallelorum, citations from other authors are veri- fied, references to other passages within the text itself or in other writings are verified, and references to excerpts and citations from the text in words of other authors are in- dicated. The citation of parallel passages (without literal quotations) should be limited to statements of the same content and wording. The apparatus should be written in Latin.

Supplementum Orientale: References and parallel passages appear as an apparatus under the modern language translation to which they refer.

7. The apparatus criticus is usually to be constructed in negative form. Extracts from the text that serve to disambiguate variants are delimited from the readings by the lemma sign ] ( περὶ] που F). The lemma character is not used if the antecedent term from the text is included in the grammatical construction of the apparatus (ante τοῖς add. καὶ F – τι supra lin. scr. F – ἁπλῶς om. F). Variants of the same antecedent term are separated from each other by : (αὐτὴν L: αὐτὸ M S). In the case of references to several terms, only the first and the last are extracted, separated by the dash (περὶ – γενέσεως om. L, in marg. add. L3; βοῶν – τε] ὑῶν : βοῶν τε καὶ ἵππων M). If the entry refers to two terms not immediately consecutive, they are separated by ... (αὐτὸ ... ἐστηριγμένον M).

Codices that depend on surviving manuscripts are only mentioned in the apparatus if they serve as a substitute for them due to subsequent loss of text in the original, or if they offer something worthy of consideration or the correct thing through conjecture. Manuscript families are identified by group sigla. Interventions by the editor in the sur- viving text are indicated by correxi, scripsi, addidi, seclusi, transposui. If these have been inspired by secondary sources, the respective source is indicated with secundum (sec. Hipp. scripsi; sec. Plat. addidi). In the case of earlier emendations or suggested corrections, the source must be indicated. If translations are noted as further evidence of a Greek variant, the wording of this variant (in the case of an Arabic translation in modern language rendition) is to be given in ( ) after the references (e.g. Nic., Ar.). As an exception to the negative apparatus design: when text-critically relevant translations (which are not generally recorded in relation to the edited text) support the manuscript version included in the text, then they appear in the form of a positive entry and in the modern language rendition (not in the reconstructed Greek). Orthographical details (doubling of consonants, differences in the placement of the n paragogicum, confusion of the spiritus and the like) are not noted in the apparatus criticus, provided that no change of meaning results. Dialect variants do not appear in the apparatus, but are treated in summary form in the praefatio.

Supplementum Orientale: Among Arabic texts, only differences of the rasm in the vari- ous manuscripts are taken into account; differences in punctuation and vocalization are taken into account if they cause a meaningful difference in the expression. Transcribed Greek proper names whose reading is uncertain are reproduced with exact rasm (in- cluding the undotted kursi) and exact dotting and vocalization.

8. Translation languages are German, English, French and Italian. The translation should be as faithful as possible to the original text. As far as possible, the structure of the sentences should also correspond to the Greek text. Additions in the translation language necessary for comprehension are enclosed in ( ). Paragraph counting and paragraph for- matting should be done according to the text. The use of modern medical terms should be avoided if possible, as they do not usually represent an exact equivalent. Ancient technical terms, if they refer to the same subject matter, should be reproduced with the same equivalent if possible.

Supplementum Orientale: The modern language translation follows the wording of the oriental text. Where it is possible to draw conclusions from the Greek original in the case of suspected mistranslations, these are provided in a footnote below the modern language translation with reference to the line. As a model see Galen, Über die Ver- schiedenheit der homoiomeren Körperteile, ed. G. Strohmaier (CMG Supplementum Orientale III). The reasons are given in the commentary.

9. The commentary should, as far as necessary, discuss text-critical, linguistic and above all factual matters. The task of the commentary is to promote understanding of the text at hand, not to present systematic descriptions of particular thematic issues. Reference is made to corresponding passages by stating page and line, with literal excerpts from the text concerned where necessary.

Supplementum Orientale: if the commentary refers to issues of content, the wording of the modern language translation is presented when necessary for comprehension; if it refers to philological peculiarities of the Oriental translation, it is cited in transliteration.

10. The indices shall include all the words appearing in the text by page and line. The index of names contains the names of persons, places (in both cases including the derived adjectives), names of medical and philosophical schools, and expressions that denote groups of persons (e.g. παλαιοί). Whenever the edited text refers to the personal state- ments and expressed doctrines, or refers to other passages within the edited text or to other writings, these are to be set in ( ) and compiled under the lemma of the author's name. In the case of frequently occurring conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, par- ticles, verbs (such as εἶναι and γίγνεσθαι), and in the case of the article, entries are pro- vided only to document peculiarities of use. For lemmata of both kinds of index, the most recent CMG volumes are to be used as models. In addition, indices referring to the respective modern language translation of the edited text are to be included, indexed by name and subject. An index locorum is to list ancient texts referred to: in the apparatus fontium et locum parallelorum, in the commentary, and, if applicable, in the praefatio.

Supplementum Orientale: The index of names contains two sections: the oriental forms, related to the oriental text, and the modern language forms, related to the modern lan- guage rendition. The word index consists of three sections: the oriental section, which is complete, like the indices of the Greek editions; the modern-language section, which is limited to materially relevant terms; and a third section, which offers in three columns confidently identified Greek equivalents, modern-language equivalents and oriental equivalents, without references to pages and lines. As a model see Galen, Über die Ver- schiedenheit der homoiomeren Körperteile, ed. v. G. Strohmaier (CMG Supplementum Orientale III).

11. The manuscript is to be submitted as a CTE document (Classical Text Editor). Program licenses, CMG-specific fonts, templates, macros and instructions for the correct type- setting of the edition will be made available by the office for print preparation.

Berlin, 22.5.2012